Hey there, I’m Heather,

and guess what, I’m a lot like you!

Just like you, I wear a lot of hats, wife, mom, daughter, life coach, and business owner, just to name a few. At times, fulfilling the duties that come with all of those different roles can be overwhelming.

A few years ago, I used to feel like I was doing it all wrong. No matter how hard I tried, I ended up feeling like a failure at the end of the day. Even though I had a good life, I was often frustrated and maybe even a little resentful of how things were going. It wasn’t as fulfilling or as fun as I thought it would be. And I definitely didn’t feel like I was living the plan of happiness my Heavenly Father had intended for me to experience here on earth.

I have studied psychology, physiology, biology, anatomy, and human behavior over the years, but what has helped me the most to overcome my challenges and reach my goals are the tools I use as a life coach; and now teach to my clients. I no longer feel like a failure at the end of the day. My life is so much better!

As I became a certified life coach, I learned to see life from a new perspective. I learned how to be less stressed out as a mom, even with three teenagers, and how to love and enjoy my husband for who he is. I even learned how to love myself with all of my awesomeness and all of my flaws. These tools also gave me new insights into the gospel and how I could better live a Christ-centered life without feeling judged, judgemental, or unworthy.

Thanks to my extensive hands-on training with Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School, I am now a Certified Life Coach. My appreciation also goes to Jody Moore, with the Advanced Faith-Based Certification program, who up-leveled and enhanced my coaching skills to the 10x level!

I couldn’t be more excited about the work I get to do with my clients every day. I now have the privilege of helping women work through their challenges and achieve their goals. Together, we are changing the direction of their lives.

And we all know that when you influence a woman, you influence the world!

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